Everyday Activities That May Be Hurting Your Feet

Are you struggling with foot pain but have no idea what might be causing it? If you’ve ditched the high heels, found some supportive shoes, and you’re still experiencing discomfort, it might not be what you’re wearing on your feet that’s the problem but how you’re using your feet.
Everyday activities that we take for granted could be the cause of your foot pain, and you might not even realize that they’re the culprit. We’ve got the lowdown on those activities and how they may be hurting your feet.
Standing on your feet all day
If your job requires you to be on your feet all day, you’re putting them under an intense amount of stress, especially if you’re not able to move around much. Take advantage of your rest breaks as an opportunity to stretch out the muscles in your feet and legs whenever you can and try to keep blood circulating properly by standing on your tiptoes every so often throughout the day.
Pounding the pavement
Jogging can be fantastic for your cardiovascular health but not so good for your feet, especially when you’re just starting out. Jogging places a lot of repetitive stress on your feet and joints that can lead to significant foot pain, especially if you’re not stretching enough. It can also cause heel spurs that may cause you pain while you’re walking or standing.
Driving for extended periods
If you’re a professional driver or find yourself driving long distances on a regular basis, you could be hurting your feet with every mile. When you drive, you’re constantly tensing and moving your ankle and foot to press down on or hover over the gas and brake pedals. These repetitive movements can cause strain throughout your foot and leg and put pressure on your tendons, which can result in pain and inflammation.
Dance or taking a fitness class
If you enjoy dancing or you’re jumping, twisting, or making other rapid, repetitive movements to get fit, you could be affecting the health of your feet. Your feet are made up of tiny bones, ligaments, and other structures that are sensitive to movements like these, so it’s not uncommon to cause stress fractures with these kind of activities. Make sure you’re not doing too much too soon and that you’re warming up and down properly each session to prevent damaging the structures in your feet.
Walking the wrong way
You might not be aware of this one, so have a friend watch as you walk to look out for signs that you’re walking on the inside or the outside of your feet. This can be caused by ill-fitting shoes; hypermobility, where your ligaments are too loose and your joints are overextending; or simply being “heavy footed,” stepping hard as you walk and causing your ankle to roll. Walking incorrectly can put a strain on your feet and ankles and can lead to long-term damage.
Wearing the wrong shoes
Sometimes it’s not the activity itself that’s the issue but wearing the wrong shoes for the activity. If, for instance, you constantly wear high heels to the office instead of reserving them for nights out and other special occasions, you’re putting a persistent strain and pressure on the heels, toes, and arches of your feet. Tight and pointy shoes, even if they’re flat, can also be bad news for your feet, because they push your toes too close together and can cause bunions and hammertoe.
If you have persistent discomfort or pain in your feet and you’re uncertain about the cause, get in touch with us at Washington Foot & Ankle Sports Medicine for a consultation today. Call our office in Kirkland, Washington, or use the convenient online booking tool.
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